Professional Leadership and Practice of Subject Competition

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The basic content and status quo of innovation education

The school's "Guiding Opinions on Further Deepening the Reform of Education and Teaching and Comprehensively Enhancing the Training Ability of Undergraduate Talents" mission vision points out: The school takes students as the foundation and cultivates applied high—quality talents with deep majors, comprehensive qualities, and strong practical ability, innovation awareness and internationalization awareness in all aspects of development. 

Tracking and investigating the employment and entrepreneurship status of students of Beijing University of Information Science and Technology after graduation, the results show that graduates with good development prospects and competitiveness in the workplace have benefited from the cultivation of innovation awareness during their stay in school, especially those who actively participate in subject competitions. Students. The core task of cultivating the innovation ability of college students is to cultivate their innovation awareness and cultivate their application and practice ability on this basis. 

Years of research and tracking data show that the university stage is an extremely critical stage for cultivating innovation awareness and innovation ability. At present, various universities have launched a variety of innovation and entrepreneurship education courses, but there are still many urgent problems to be solved in the implementation process, such as the late timing of innovation education, it is difficult to achieve the whole process of innovation and entrepreneurship education for students; the proportion of students participating is low, and the teacher-led passive innovation and training management model cannot fully stimulate the vitality of the majority of students' independent innovation; laboratory guidance-based teaching methods cannot make full use of high-quality innovation and training resources and practical platforms. 

Reforming the innovative education model in the traditional sense will alleviate these problems to a certain extent. Cultivating students' imagination, macro-thinking, and critical thinking, establishing a modern learning system, and cultivating innovative talents have become the key to meeting many complex challenges and achieving sustainable development. The mission of teachers has also changed, from the transfer of knowledge and skills to the ability to lead and cultivate students to embrace the future.

As the main position of talent training, universities must continue to explore new tasks under the new situation, reform the talent training model, innovate the talent training path, stimulate the vitality of teaching, promote the reform of education and teaching, promote the development of connotation, and list innovative education as an important content of talent training. To this end, the school officially included innovative education courses in the regular teaching plan, combined with the implementation of extracurricular innovation activities, and achieved good results. 

Organically integrate the content of innovation education with professional courses, and cultivate students' innovation awareness and innovation ability imperceptibly in regular teaching activities as soon as possible, especially through subject competitions, to effectively achieve the purpose of innovation education. 

Promote the integration of innovation and entrepreneurship education and professional education to enhance students' practical ability


1. How to carry out professional leadership practical training courses

The purpose of professional leadership practical training is to organically integrate professional education and innovation and entrepreneurship education and has achieved obvious results. The course adopts the teaching concept of flipped classrooms to carry out teaching activities, and studies how to choose different types of microcontrollers and robot programming languages to realize the perception, decision-making, and intelligent behavior of robots. 

The Ardunio language + MICROCONTROLLER trolley kit is used to realize the tracking robot as a teaching case, so that first-year university students through the actual design and production of robot trolley process, in-depth understanding and mastery of general robot composition and detection control system, explore the application of robot design and implementation and methods to solve practical problems. It is a student work, with students as the main body, through “close contact”, experiencing the fun of knowledge learning. 

The Arduino control module is used as the control core of the experimental trolley, and the TCRT5000 infrared reflection sensor is used as the photosensitive system of the trolley system, which can accurately identify the changes in the light and dark of the road surface. The motor drive module is composed of an L298N chip and two DC motors, which serve as the power system of the trolley. After code input and system assembly and debugging, the trolley function is realized. Under normal circumstances, it will drive automatically, follow the track when the light and the dark difference between the road surface is large, and avoid obstacles under special circumstances. 

The basic requirements of the course (compulsory part) are to complete a 2-week (10d) course, the specific content is as follows: 

  1. Explain the basic content of this course, explain the basic engineering thinking and training process of robot production; 
  2. Demonstrate the operation video of the robot, visit the Excellence Alliance Laboratory, the college innovation base, and the intelligent science and technology laboratory;
  3. Demonstrate the intelligent ”tracking" trolley, introduce the information of the trolley components, explain the Arduino platform application and Arduino language programming characteristics and key statements;
  4. Install ArduinoIDE, compile routines and practice questions, class group training, and answer questions that arise from compilation;
  5. Build tracking trolley hardware, including chassis fixation, tracking module, controller, drive board, motor, and power management module installation;
  6. Compile 2 photoelectric sensor tracking routines, download the compiled tracking control program, and debug the trolley;
  7. Explain intelligent sensing and detection technology, and guide the completion of the principle and application experiments of 5 photoelectric sensors;
  8. Complete the tracking trolley with multiple sensor detection and integration, including improving the tracking trolley hardware and writing the control program of the tracking trolley with multiple sensors, group Discuss and share programming ideas, compile, download and debug;
  9. Summarize, improve the ability of “one by one”, expand and improve the stable, accurate, and fast control performance of the trolley, and continue to improve the performance of the trolley by relevant competition precautions;
  10. Prepare to participate in the college robot trolley competition. 

In the first semester, the assembly of the robot trolley and the realization of the linear and black line tracking functions were completed; in the second semester, the realization of the tracking trolley function with multiple sensor detection and fusion was completed to prepare for the competition. After learning and practicing, the college organizes competitions to test students' do-it-yourself results on the spot, stimulate students' inner potential, and enhance their innovative spirit and practical ability. 

On the track, the students nervously debugged their procedures, and constantly revised their designs according to the actual situation of the track. Seeing the cars completed by themselves galloping on the track, the students were enthusiastic. The potential creative ability of students has been developed, and the enthusiasm for practical innovation has been truly stimulated. When they first came into contact with professional practice courses, the students felt very excited and at a loss. I have a lot of interest in this course, but I also lack understanding of the course I will study. 

Professional leadership practical training enables students to have a preliminary understanding of the profession and a more systematic understanding of their future professional development. When I was a beginner, most students had a lot of trouble with this course, mainly because of the large discrepancy between the knowledge they had learned in high school and they were not very familiar with programming code. 

After a semester of code language learning and careful teaching by teachers, he solved a series of problems, successfully followed the trail, and began to have his ideas and innovations. At the same time, in the learning process, in addition to increasing their understanding of this course, he also learned and learned about his major, and had psychological goals and expectations for future professional learning. The teachers regularly explain the difficult points, and the team members learn to solve the problems together, and the learning of this course becomes more and more convenient. 

In the competition, when one's ideas and designs are put into practice, and when the car reaches the finish line smoothly in the competition, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously, stimulating the students' fun of learning, practicing, and innovating. Shows the entries and the competition site. 

 2. Keep pace with the times and reform practical teaching methods to improve the quality of teaching

Under the special circumstances of the epidemic, the school has promoted online teaching in all directions. In the face of the epidemic and the particularity of practical teaching, the school has deployed to strengthen practical teaching as a whole, closely combining professional characteristics to “turn crisis into opportunity”, according to the characteristics of the curriculum, reform the traditional methods and methods of practical teaching, starting from the actual situation, make full use of self-built and public virtual simulation experiment resources, and continuously improve the quality of talent training. 

The team of innovative practice series course instructors carried out the teaching design of ”distributed home practice + learning result-oriented", using embedded system simulation development and professional circuit simulation software platform and the built online learning pass course resources to carry out online practical teaching. Mail the laboratory physical trolley development kit to students all over the country to realize the implementation of the teaching method of “online teaching + actual robot trolley operation + course completion assessment + subject competition after the start of school”, which is professionally leading the design of practical training courses, and has developed and innovated a new model of practical teaching methods, organic integration between online and offline, to ensure the quality of engineering practice teaching. 

The students are very engaged in the study of this course. They did not break contact because of the distance. On the contrary, because of this small car, they studied its assembly and programming methods together every day and narrowed the distance between each other. Not only learned knowledge but also enhanced friendship. The new type of innovative education talent training-professional leading practical course platform can well stimulate the creative thinking of college students. 

Freshmen enter the innovation platform training early from the beginning of admission, and on this basis, in the follow-up learning process, according to the characteristics of different grades, adopt corresponding training methods and evaluation systems, to achieve 4 years of uninterrupted, professional-oriented, progressive training from the four dimensions of inspiring creative thinking, guiding innovation and training practice, improving innovation ability, and promoting entrepreneurship cultivation, and strive to achieve full coverage of innovation and entrepreneurship education. 


The organic and deep integration of innovative education and professional education is of great significance. It is an important measure to cultivate talents needed to adapt to contemporary and future development. In the process of practice, many problems and challenges will be encountered, and it is necessary to systematically sort out and implement them. 

 1. Build a scientific professional evaluation system and build a solid professional foundation

In the process of building a subject and professional evaluation system, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that talent training is based on professional education, so that students can build a solid foundation, learn solid professional basic skills, and lay a solid foundation for cultivating high-level applied talents. On the road to cultivating professional talents in innovative and entrepreneurial disciplines, the fundamental principle is still to promote the professional development of talents as the basis to enhance the literacy of double innovation. 

In terms of evaluation indicators, it focuses on the extension of innovation ability on a professional basis. In the process of constructing evaluation indicators, the professional theoretical foundation, practical ability, innovation awareness development, creative thinking training, entrepreneurial spirit cultivation, and other aspects are used as the first-level evaluation indicators, and then other evaluation indicators at all levels are carefully divided according to the first-level indicators, thereby ensuring that the final evaluation results are more instructive and objective, truly achieve the specialization of professional disciplines and cultivate students' ability to innovate and start businesses. 

2. Promote innovation and entrepreneurship education in depth and cultivate high-level applied talents

Colleges and universities need to carry out innovation and entrepreneurship education from the whole process of talent education. Vertically, innovation education should be uninterrupted throughout the four-year study stage of the university, build and continuously improve the curriculum system of the practical innovation platform, add practice bases, strengthen the construction of practical teaching resources on and off campus, build suitable laboratories on and off campus, build scientific and technological innovation training bases, and continuously enhance students' practical abilities and practical experience; 

horizontally, strengthen collaborative education with local, industry, and enterprises, take social development and students' career development needs as the dual orientation, strengthen cooperation with enterprises and industries, and use professional knowledge to allow students to actively participate in corporate internships and participate in The actual combat of the project and the continuous growth of practical experience will lay a solid foundation for future students to enter the enterprise, and cultivate high-quality applied talents with the ability to innovate, create and start a business.

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