The importance of musical quality for students in preschool education

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The preschool education major in higher vocational colleges is an important cradle for cultivating preschool educators. The importance of musical quality for students in preschool education. Strengthening the training of students in pre-school education can provide a good environment for the growth of young children and improve the personal literacy and quality of future students of the motherland. It has a very important impact on national development and social progress. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the training of students in pre-school education and improve the comprehensive quality and ability of students. 


The importance of cultivating the musical quality of students in preschool education


 (1) Strengthen music skills


Strengthening the cultivation of musical literacy can effectively improve the musical skills of students in preschool education. After employment, students in preschool education need the blessing of musical skills. They need to lead young children to understand music, appreciate music, and cultivate young children's musical ability and literacy. Therefore, in the process of professional education, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of musical literacy so that students in preschool education can have a strong musical appreciation ability, to have better competitiveness in the subsequent employment process. 

In the process of music learning, it is not only necessary to master theoretical knowledge, to understand and master the connotation, author, birth background, etc. of musical works in detail, but also to be able to understand the emotions expressed in musical works and to be able to show and interpret musical works more vividly. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate students' musical literacy so that students can master the basic music appreciation ability and level. 


(2) Improve the overall quality


Strengthening the cultivation of music literacy can also improve the overall quality and level of students. On the one hand, the cultivation of musical literacy can allow students to have a more peaceful state of mind. In the current society, people's life pressure and work pressure are greater, and they will also encounter more difficulties and setbacks. Therefore, many people are prone to mental health problems. They are irritable and grumpy at work and in life. It will not only affect personal growth and development but also affect the construction of interpersonal relationships and the extension of their careers. 

Through the cultivation of music literacy, students can obtain channels and ways of emotional catharsis, relieve inner pressure under the influence of music, relieve stressful emotions, and maintain peace of mind, which is conducive to students facing life and studying more proactively. On the other hand, strengthening the cultivation of musical literacy can also cultivate sentiment and establish correct values. 

Most musical works condense the efforts of the creators and pin on the emotions of the creators. In the process of appreciating the musical works, the viewer can have emotional communication and soul collision with the creators, which can enable the viewer to better understand the values and emotions conveyed in the musical works, and to a certain extent, it can also help the viewer cultivate sentiment. 


(3) Promote the development of young children


Strengthening the cultivation of musical literacy of students in preschool education can effectively improve the personal abilities and qualities of students in preschool education, to create a better educational environment for young children after employment. 

  1. First of all, it can promote the healthy physical and mental development of young children. Musical works have a very important influence on the development of personal character and the construction of character. They can enable young children to understand excellent musical works and feel the influence of excellent musical works and help young children purify their minds and maintain a positive mental outlook and state. 
  2. Secondly, it can fully mobilize the enthusiasm and interest of young children in learning. Kindergarten is an important stage to undertake family life and campus life, and it is an important stage to cultivate young children's love for the campus. Therefore, teachers in the kindergarten stage should make full use of a variety of ways to make young children like learning and life in school. Music, on the other hand, is a better channel and way to allow young children to stretch their mood, maintain a relaxed and natural state, strengthen their adaptation to the new environment, and cultivate a love of learning. 
  3. Finally, it can effectively exercise the logical thinking ability of young children. Studies have shown that the right brain is mainly responsible for spatial cognition, music, and other thinking. The degree of development of the right brain is to a certain extent lower than that of the left brain. Strengthening the understanding and appreciation of music can effectively stimulate brain development. It has a very important impact on young children and can effectively promote intellectual development of young children. 


The current situation of music literacy training for students in preschool education


(1) Weak biological basis


The relatively weak music foundation of students is a typical problem in the current process of cultivating core music literacy, and it is also an important factor affecting the teaching effect and teaching quality. Most students in preschool education majors are admitted through the ranking of college entrance examination results. This part of the students have relatively solid theoretical knowledge and relatively strong learning ability, but they often have relatively weak music professional ability. 

On the one hand, students have not studied music-related majors during their growth. Most students have not formulated a clear future employment direction before the college entrance examination. They often choose schools and majors based on their college entrance examination results. Therefore, in the process of growing up, they have not deliberately cultivated their personal qualities for pre-school education majors. Most students have not been exposed to music, nor have they mastered the basic pronunciation and singing methods of music. 

Knowledge of music is relatively poor, not to mention the study of musical instruments. Therefore, when students enter a higher vocational college, the pressure and burden in the learning process are relatively heavy. Students need to start from scratch and need to learn about music. Too much content and knowledge affect students' enthusiasm and initiative in learning to a certain extent. On the other hand, there are certain shortcomings in the current admissions assessment, especially for preschool education majors. In the assessment process, only the students' basic knowledge and test scores are referenced, but the students' musical expertise is not tested. To a certain extent, this also exacerbates the difficulty of follow-up teaching. 


(2) Insufficient practical teaching


In the teaching process of preschool education, the cultivation of students' musical literacy pays too much attention to theoretical knowledge and ignores practical teaching. On the one hand, it is due to the deviation from teachers' teaching philosophy. It is believed that improving students' music literacy should focus on explaining music-related theoretical knowledge, which leads to relatively rich knowledge reserves for students, but relatively poor practical skills, which affects students' subsequent employment and personal ability. 

This is also because teachers' cognition of the preschool education major is not accurate enough. They believe that students in the preschool education major should focus on cultivating the relevant knowledge and content of the major. The cultivation of music literacy accounts for only a small part, which also leads to the lack of systematic and practical introduction in the process of music literacy training, which affects the improvement of students' abilities and the development of quality. 

On the other hand, the practical teaching carried out by some schools has not played its due role. Although some schools have carried out practical teaching work in a targeted manner, they have ignored the quality and efficiency of practical teaching, resulting in a more serious formalist tendency, which affects the personal improvement and quality development of students. 


(3) The curriculum is unreasonable


The curriculum is very important and will directly affect students' understanding and absorption of knowledge. It will also affect the construction of students' knowledge systems and affect students' learning ability and overall quality. Therefore, the curriculum must be strengthened. However, the current curriculum for music literacy training is not scientific and reasonable enough, and to a certain extent, it will also affect the improvement of the quality of students in preschool education. 

On the one hand, the positioning of teaching goals is not scientific and reasonable enough, and the direction and pertinence of the training of students in preschool education are not grasped, which affects the teaching content and teaching arrangements, as well as the improvement of students' comprehensive ability and quality. On the other hand, the teaching curriculum does not meet the current background of the times and social needs. 

The responsibility and mission given to the preschool education profession by society are to train more preschool education professionals and provide better educational guidance for students in the preschool stage. Due to the rapid development of the current situation, the society's requirements for preschool educators are changing, so the curriculum and ability training should also be changed accordingly, but in the actual teaching process, the preschool education major lacks foresight and innovation, and does not make changes according to the current situation, which to a certain extent also affects the matching of talents and positions. 


(4) Lack of attention


The lack of attention to the cultivation of musical literacy among students in preschool education is also an important factor affecting the improvement of students' abilities. 

  1. First of all, the lack of attention in schools affects the teaching effect and quality of teaching. Some vocational colleges and universities have deviations in their understanding and cognition of preschool education majors and do not have a deep grasp of the needs of society. They believe that the most important thing for students in preschool education is to improve their teaching ability and level, while ignoring the cultivation of artistic literacy such as music and dance, resulting in the lack and inadequacy of students' personal qualities. 
  2. Secondly, teachers lack attention to the cultivation of students' core music literacy. Some teachers do not realize the significance of strengthening music literacy. In the teaching process, they still follow traditional teaching methods, which hinders students' personal growth and development to a certain extent. 
  3. Finally, students themselves lack attention to the cultivation of core musical literacy, lack patience and perseverance in the learning process, lack solid knowledge of music theory, and have relatively poor practical skills. 


Effective strategies for cultivating music literacy among students in preschool education


(1) Change the teaching concept


If we want to effectively improve the music literacy of students in preschool education, we must change the teaching philosophy and pay full attention to the cultivation of music literacy. 

  1. First of all, schools should pay full attention to the cultivation of musical literacy, be fully aware of the significance of the cultivation of musical literacy and the promotion of students in preschool education, and strengthen support in terms of manpower, material resources, and funds to ensure that the cultivation of musical literacy is carried out more smoothly. 
  2. Secondly, teachers should pay full attention to the cultivation of music literacy, be fully aware of the important influence and significance of music literacy training for students in preschool education in the follow-up education process, and rationally plan the teaching content of music literacy training to improve students' abilities and qualities. 
  3. Finally, students themselves should actively change their learning concepts, be fully aware of the importance of music literacy training, improve their concentration, actively participate and interact in the teaching process, and constantly improve their practical ability and level, to win more competitive advantages for themselves. 


(2) Improve the curriculum


Strengthening the cultivation of students' musical literacy should also actively improve the curriculum. 

  1. First of all, the goals and directions for the training of students in preschool education should be clarified, and the standards and requirements for the training of musical literacy of students in preschool education should be clarified. Teachers should fully integrate the syllabus and related policy documents, strengthen analysis and planning, and improve the rationality and science of curriculum arrangements. 
  2. Secondly, the curriculum allocation should be continuously optimized to increase the proportion of music core literacy training courses. We should pay full attention to the cultivation of music literacy, increase the number of class hours for the cultivation of music literacy, and ensure that students have sufficient time and energy to learn music-related knowledge, enrich their knowledge reserves, and improve practical skills. 
  3. Finally, the curriculum should be adjusted promptly according to the current development situation, and the development direction of the industry and the specific requirements for students in preschool education should be understood promptly through social research and other methods, and the curriculum content should be flexibly adjusted according to the actual situation to improve the matching between talents and positions. 


(3) Improve the quality of teachers


Improving the training of students in preschool education should also continuously improve the quality of teachers. 

  1. The ability and level of teachers will directly affect the learning effect and quality of students to a certain extent, as well as the image and competitiveness of the school. Therefore, schools should actively introduce high-quality teachers to enrich the talent team. When schools select teachers in preschool education, they should focus on examining teachers' educational backgrounds and teaching experiences. Teachers are required to understand the basic theoretical knowledge of music and have a strong ability to practice music. 
  2. Secondly, schools should strengthen the training of teachers. Schools should actively build bridges for learning and communication so that teachers can improve their teaching abilities through various activities such as industry seminars and expert lectures. 
  3. Finally, teachers themselves must strengthen their self-requirements, establish the concept of lifelong learning, keep abreast of the latest teaching results and teaching methods, and actively apply them to classroom teaching to improve teaching effectiveness and quality. 


(4) Improve teaching skills


To improve the ability and quality of students in preschool education, practical teaching should be fully strengthened and students' practical skills should be improved. 

  1. First of all, full attention should be paid to practical teaching. In addition to strengthening the teaching of theoretical knowledge, teachers should also strengthen practical teaching in the teaching process. It is necessary to combine theoretical teaching with practical teaching so that students can test the degree of mastery of theoretical knowledge in the practice process, discover their problems in the learning process, and actively make improvements. 
  2. Secondly, the explanation of key skills should be strengthened to improve students' skill levels. For students majoring in preschool education, the most important musical skills are piano accompaniment and vocal skills. 
  3. This is the most widely used skill in the subsequent employment process and the most basic requirement. Therefore, teachers should pay full attention to the teaching of these two skills in the teaching process, give students sufficient time and space for students to practice, discover their problems in the process of skill learning through practice, and make timely and effective improvements. At the same time, it can also provide students with the opportunity to perform and strengthen the application of skills through performance. 


(5) Strengthen atmosphere creation


Improving the musical literacy of students in preschool education should also actively create a good learning atmosphere so that students can always be influenced by music, enhance their understanding and cognition of music, and improve their learning ability. 

  1. First of all, schools should play a leading role and organize more music-related activities. For example, welcome parties, graduation parties, music festivals, etc., so that students can feel the charm of music during the participation process of activities, and also provide practical opportunities for students in preschool education, allowing students in preschool education to accompany them or perform programs alone to enhance the understanding and love of music among students in preschool education. 
  2. Secondly, attention should be paid to the creation of a musical atmosphere and environment, which can strengthen the embodiment of music in campus design and planning, so that students can feel the atmosphere of music on campus anytime, anywhere, and enhance their love of music. 


Finalizing remarks


The cultivation of musical literacy of students in preschool education can effectively improve their personal quality and competitiveness, but there are still some problems in the process of professional education, such as insufficient attention, insufficient practical teaching, insufficient curriculum setting, and a relatively weak student base. Therefore, it is necessary to change the teaching concept in the subsequent teaching process, strengthen attention, improve the curriculum, improve the quality of teachers, improve skills in teaching, and strengthen practical teaching settings. It is necessary to strengthen the atmosphere so that students can accept music anytime, anywhere, innovate teaching methods, improve students' enthusiasm and initiative to participate, and improve professional specialty assessment.


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