The impact of digital media on preschool education

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With the development of science and technology, children can easily be exposed to more digital media in their lives. The impact of digital media on preschool education. Therefore, digital media has a great impact on the life and learning methods of young children. At present, although digital media devices are not uncommon in kindergartens, the users of these devices are limited to teachers. Perhaps some parents and teachers will worry that the frequent use of digital media by young children will have an adverse impact on the development of young children, but children cannot be isolated from the development of this era. 

Digital media teaching methods can promote the diversification of teaching forms and improve teaching efficiency with their scientific and visual nature. The involvement of digital media in preschool education is an inevitable result of the modernization of education. Parents and teachers should recognize the positive impact of digital media on the development of young children. 


The current situation and reasons for young children's exposure to digital media


First of all, the environment has an important impact on children's early education. The popularity of technology has led to the widespread use of electronic products in most families, which has given young children the opportunity to be exposed to a large number of digital media tools from birth. In addition, the number and types of digital media are constantly increasing with the development of science and technology. Bandura's observational learning theory believes that young children are good at imitating others, and children can learn through direct and indirect experience. Therefore, Bandura emphasizes the model demonstration effect. 

For preschool children, the behavior of their parents may have a great impact on their development. At present, since most parents' work and daily entertainment are inseparable from various digital media, children will imitate their parents' behavior. Due to the curiosity of young children, they are very willing to try to use these digital media. In the end, digital media gradually become toys for young children. Children always have a strong curiosity and curiosity. Digital media conforms to the trend of rapid information development and can bring fresh experiences to children. 

Therefore, digital media has gradually become an important way for children to explore the world. Digital media imperceptibly affects the development of children and accelerates the process of children's understanding of the world. Although young children no longer have more time to learn how to grow through personal experience, they can gain indirect experience through the use of digital media. Educators should use a dialectical perspective to look at the application of digital media in preschool education. 


(1) The impact of digital media on early childhood development


The widespread application of digital media has positive and negative effects on the physical and mental development of young children, as well as both positive and negative effects. The impact of digital media use on the physical and mental development of young children is conditional, and there are specific reasons behind each impact. Research and surveys have shown that cartoons will have a positive impact on the cognitive development of young children and the development of social emotions. But Brown and Renner's ecosystem theory believes that even with excellent programs if they do not control the viewing time, children rely too much on digital media, which will cause children to have no time to spend a good time with their parents and relatives. 

Excessive use of digital media will affect their social skills and personality development, which will have an adverse impact on children's development. Based on the survey results, it can be deduced that media use time is one of the determinants of the impact of digital media use on children's development. However, young children can improve their vocabulary and early language skills by watching educational programs that are suitable for their age and psychological development, such as enlightenment cartoons; it has a positive impact on promoting family affection and love, compliance with rules, civilized etiquette and social morality education; children can improve their problem-solving skills, learn to share with others, sensitivity, etc. by accepting the influence of positive characters in cartoons, and promote the formation of children's prosocial behavior. 

Based on the above survey results, it can be deduced that media content is one of the determinants of the impact of digital media use on children's development. For children, first of all, the rational use of digital media can promote intellectual development of children to a certain extent. Electronic products are supported by strong resources. It contains a lot of information to expand children's horizons so that children can gain indirect experience and browse things that are difficult for them to reach in real life. For example, children can download various software through the Internet and browse the Web pages they are interested in. 

Secondly, Piaget believes that the actions and activities of young children in the transition from the sensorimotor stage to the pre-computational stage of young children's cognitive development play an important role in their development. Children can develop through active interaction with the environment so as to exert their initiative and promote the development of their awareness of active learning. Therefore, the design of some multimedia games can allow children to improve their physical coordination, reflexes, and the ability to use their brains and hands. For parents, first of all, the use of digital media may reduce the burden on their children's education. Vigorski put forward the theory of the recent development zone. 

He believes that parents and teachers should give children some more difficult knowledge and skills, which will help children further develop their potential. However, because of the limited knowledge reserve and education level of some parents, they do not know how to help young children learn effectively in education. In addition, due to children's curiosity and imagination, they often ask their parents a lot of questions, and most parents will be upset or impatient because of these questions. However, digital media can solve the troubles of parents, and some parents believe that digital media can be regarded as electronic teachers. Secondly, digital media can increase the time and method of parent-child activities. Parents can accompany their children to watch some good cartoons or movies, and use this way to teach their children how to grow up better. 

In addition, parents can communicate the content of cartoons and movies with their children, so that children can feel the love and care of their parents. Vigorski believes that the environment plays an important role in the development of children, and it is necessary for parents to keep their children exposed to new things as they grow up. 


(2) Digital media promotes the specialization of early childhood education


Under the traditional model, students who cultivate pre-school education majors will use a combination of theory and skills. Taking pedagogy and psychology as the theoretical basis, supplemented by vocal music, fine arts, dance, and other skills classes, in order to promote the comprehensive and coordinated physical and mental development of young children. At present, with the development of science and technology, digital media resources can make up for some shortcomings of the traditional preschool education model. Through digital media, objects or phenomena that are difficult for young children to reach in reality can be vividly presented on digital media, making it easier for young children to understand and remember new things. 

Therefore, excellent preschool teachers must have certain digital media application capabilities in order to adapt to the development trend of the informatization of preschool education. In order to promote the modernization and development of preschool education and cultivate complete professional talents in preschool education, it is necessary to keep pace with the times to increase digital media-related courses in the training of teachers in preschool education. As pre-employment preschool teachers, graduates of preschool education must have strong digital media equipment operation capabilities in order to win the favor of employers in the employment competition. 

From the perspective of digital media teaching application analysis, the arrival of the 5G era, digital media is widely used in kindergarten classrooms in many countries, such as televisions, computers, projectors, and whiteboards. Therefore, teachers may gradually become familiar with the use of digital media technology. They can not only use photos and videos to record children's learning process, but also make various forms of teaching courseware to assist in teaching. However, in kindergartens, the operation of digital media is limited to adults, and children are the only viewers. 

Therefore, as a teacher, we should first change our perceptions, let children operate digital media by themselves under the guidance of teachers, and guide preschool children to draw positive development elements from digital teaching resources, form an optimistic and good attitude, and cultivate good behavioral habits of young children. Secondly, teachers need to continue to learn new digital media technologies, because teachers may not be experts in digital media, but they can improve their operational level through learning. The construction and application of digital preschool education resources is the core part of the informatization of preschool education. 

Digital media resources for preschool education can create good learning scenarios for young children to cultivate their perceptual understanding, stimulate children's interest in inquiry to improve their level of rational understanding, reduce the burden on preschool teachers, and improve the efficiency of preschool education and teaching. 


(3) Guide children to use digital media correctly


The negative impact of digital media on children is mainly due to children's excessive use of digital media. It is irrational for parents and teachers to over-indulge or strictly prohibit their children from contacting digital media, so parents and teachers should have the correct educational methods to guide their children to use digital media correctly. First of all, children's addiction to digital media may be due to the monotony of their lifestyle. Parents should spend more time taking their children to outdoor activities or reading, rather than leaving them alone in the room all the time. When children experience more interesting lifestyles, they will gradually get rid of their dependence on digital media. 

Secondly, teachers and parents can tell their children about the development history of digital media and its important role in human society, so that children can understand how people use digital media to improve work efficiency and how to explore the world so that they can arouse children's interest in science and technology. Again, parents should set a good example and guide their children to regard digital media as an assistant for learning and work, not just for entertainment. Bruner's motivation theory believes that children need to gain a sense of accomplishment to motivate themselves to continue learning. 

Children's sense of accomplishment often comes from the support of parents and teachers. Therefore, parents and teachers should encourage children to explore the different functions of digital media, stimulate children's interest in learning, and let children learn knowledge in the process of playing digital media. 

Finally, parents should control the time their children are exposed to digital media. Surveys have shown that children between the ages of 3 and 6 spend an average of 123 minutes in front of a screen every day. Therefore, some educators have proposed the concept of screen time. Parents can make rules for their time at home, and every family member should abide by them, and parents are no exception, so children feel respected rather than restrained. In schools, teachers should teach children the concept of time management and the methods of time management, so that children's self-management ability can be improved. 

Digital media is the inevitable result of the development of science and technology, and it is more beneficial than harmful to children's development. When young children are often exposed to digital media, which affects the healthy development of physical and mental health, their parents should be responsible for this. Just like playing games is human nature, children are not mature and rational people, so the guidance of parents and teachers is necessary for young children. 


The importance of digital media pedagogy in early childhood education


Digital media is an important means of modern preschool education, especially in kindergartens. Digital media can send information to children, and teachers can receive feedback from children through digital media to realize information exchange between teachers and children. Therefore, digital media is not only a teaching tool for teachers but also a cognitive tool for children. It can integrate the real world and the virtual world, which helps to promote the cognitive development of young children. 


(1) Digital media pedagogy can stimulate young children's interest in learning


First of all, because children are in the early stages of physical and mental development, it is difficult to concentrate and cannot be maintained for a long time. In addition, children are very curious and willing to approach new things. Therefore, digital media teaching methods use colorful and vivid images and pleasing music to quickly attract the attention of young children and stimulate their interest in learning. 

Secondly, since young children learn knowledge through image thinking, digital media teaching visualizes and materializes abstract things. In such a teaching environment, children will be attracted by animation. Digital media uses high-precision audiovisual effects and vivid animated images to arouse children's visual, listening, speaking, and other senses so that children can quickly focus on learning. This can improve children's enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity in learning, and children are more willing to learn knowledge than to be instilled by teachers. 


(2) Digital media teaching methods can improve teaching efficiency


The traditional teaching model is mainly that teachers explain knowledge in the classroom, with poor interactivity, ignoring the participation of children. In addition, due to the limitations of classroom capacity and insufficient teaching methods, traditional teaching methods may be ineffective for young children. 

In order for children to become the protagonists of the classroom and let them learn through exploration and practice, teachers may need to use whiteboards and projections to present knowledge so that children can quickly understand knowledge. In addition, teachers and children can use digital media together in the classroom, which can increase children's participation in the classroom. The use of digital media can cultivate children's visual cognition, allowing children to learn through observation, thinking, and imagination. 


(3) Digital media teaching methods can stimulate children's imagination and creativity


Within the limited classroom time and space, teachers need to provide as intuitive materials as possible to enrich young children's knowledge and promote thinking and creativity. First of all, teachers can use digital media to help children build a free and relaxed environment, encourage children to spread their imagination and creativity, and encourage children to think and make, so the use of digital media can reduce the difficulty of production and make children's thinking easier to realize. When children are creators, the use of digital media may be easier to satisfy children's motivation for achievement and can stimulate children's creativity. 

For example, ground interactive projection combines virtual simulation technology and image recognition technology. Children can interact with virtual scenes through movements or feet, and they dance according to the image scene under their feet. When the image is the sea, children imitate small fish, and when the image becomes a grass garden, they imagine themselves as a lamb or a pony. Various interactive projection transformations can stimulate the development of young children's imagination, thanks to the fact that digital media is not only a teaching tool but also a part of the learning environment, which stimulates young children's enthusiasm for learning and allows them to perceive and understand the world they live in more carefully. 

This new type of classroom model enables young children to learn in exploration and discovery, and can better develop their potential. Conclusion For young children, digital media is very attractive, but due to the low level of cognitive development of young children, their self-control ability is poor. Therefore, the guardians of young children need to guide and supervise young children when they are exposed to digital media. As a parent, you should first realize that digital media is not completely beneficial or harmful to the development of young children, so if parents do not limit the time and frequency of their children's exposure to digital media, or completely prohibit their children's exposure to digital media, this is not advisable. 

Secondly, parents need to establish a concept of equality and abide by the length and frequency of using digital media with their children. Finally, parents need to choose the right digital media for their young children. There is some information in some digital media that may be detrimental to the development of young children, but the level of cognitive development and moral development of young children is at a low stage, and it is difficult for them to distinguish information, so parents need to help young children avoid poor exposure to information. With the advent of the Internet era, early childhood education is facing necessary reforms, and the role of digital media in early childhood education has attracted more and more attention. 

Digital media can have a positive impact on kindergarten teaching, bring convenience to teachers, and make the classroom atmosphere relaxed and pleasant. However, teachers should correctly view the application of digital media in preschool education. First of all, teachers' application of digital media to the classroom can stimulate children's interest in learning. Digital media teaching methods promote the diversification of teaching forms and improve teaching efficiency with their scientific and visual nature. 

However, teachers should realize that digital media teaching methods cannot replace traditional teaching methods, and teachers can combine these two teaching methods to achieve better teaching results in the classroom. Secondly, in the process of using digital media for teaching, teachers should pay attention to the main role of children and play their leading role. When young children use digital media to achieve certain results, teachers need to give encouragement and praise. Digital media promotes and integrates the development of preschool children and effectively realizes the application methods and application models of preschool children's digital life and real-life balance.

Keywords: Digital media; education modernization; multimedia teaching


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