4 Features of Advertising Design

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 4 Features of Advertising Design, the following features below are;

Good Ads Are Relevant

Graphic designers want a brand's target audience to feel that a company or product is designed for them. Sometimes this means including people in the ad to more accurately represent the audience.

A good ad is memorable

Some ads are memorable because they're annoying. Still, others stick with us because they evoke strong emotions. While there was little mention of the company or its products, viewers heard the message loud and clear. Good ad design doesn't need to convey a message directly, sometimes just an emotional connection.

Good advertising inspires trust

There is one key component of good advertising that every company should abide by Don't lie. This sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many brands makeup lies to make their products sound more interesting. If you have to lie about your product to attract the market, you need to rethink your business. Your ad should inspire trust. Your audience doesn’t want to be distracted by a shiny object to buy a product or connect with your message.

Good advertising is invisible

It happens a lot: you're shopping in a store or online, and you see a product that you don't remember seeing before, but it looks familiar. You don't seem to remember where you heard the name or saw the sign. So what do you do? Look it up, of course. This is a strategy employed by many non-traditional advertising agencies. A person is cleverly introduced to a product that plants a seed in his memory, but when they come across it again, they feel compelled to look it up because they can't connect the dots. The upshot is that they now know a lot more about the product than they did before.

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